
Everyday Shake Protein



肌肉质量在30岁后每十年下降 3 – 8% 60岁后的下降速度更为显著1。


  • 提升胶原蛋白2和弹性蛋白的生成,使肌肤更加紧致。
  • 促进角蛋白的生成,打造更强韧、更亮泽的秀发以及更健康的指甲3。

谁需要它? 每个人!


  • 促进稳定的血糖水平,以维持一整天的能量。

谁需要它? 总是忙碌不休及需要一点能量助推的多任务妈妈和职场人士!


  • 有效降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇5 (通常被称为”坏 “胆固醇),并减少患心脏病的风险。

谁需要它? 老年人及高脂饮食者。


  • 大豆能促进肌肉蛋白的生成4,以及增强肌肉力量。
  • 防止瘦肌组织的分解,并支持健康肌肉的增长。

谁需要它? 成长中的青少年、健身伙伴及老年人。


  • 大豆中的植物雌激素被称为”大豆异黄酮”,据说可缓解更年期症状,如潮热6、失眠和疲劳7。这些大豆植物雌激素有助于预防更年期妇女的骨质流失,并维持更强壮的骨骼8。

谁需要它? 所有女性!

1. Holloszy, J. O. (2000). The biology of aging. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 75(Suppl), S3-S8; discussion S8-S9. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/55.suppl_1.s3
2. Rizzo, J., et al. (2023). Soy protein containing isoflavones improves facial signs of photoaging and skin hydration in postmenopausal women: Results of a prospective randomized double-blind controlled trial. Nutrients, 15(19), 
4113. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15194113
3. Blair, R. M., & Tabor, A. (2009). The beauty of soy for skin, hair, and nails. In R. C. R. Martins (Ed.), Nutritional cosmetics: Beauty from within (pp. 441-468). William Andrew Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-8155-2029-0.50030-2
4. Zare, R., et al. (2023). Effect of soy protein supplementation on muscle adaptations, metabolic and antioxidant status, hormonal response, and exercise performance of active individuals and athletes: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Sports Medicine, 53(12), 2417–2446. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-023-01899-w
5. Nutrition Committee of the AHA. (2000). Soy protein and cardiovascular disease: A statement for healthcare professionals. Circulation, 102(20), 2555–2559. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.CIR.102.20.2555
6. Cianci A, Colacurci N, Paoletti AM, Perino A, Cicinelli E, et al. (2015) Soy isoflavones, inulin, calcium, and vitamin D3 in post-menopausal hot flushes: An observational study. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 42(6): 743-745.
7. Hirose A, Terauchi M, Osaka Y, Akiyoshi M, Kato K, et al. (2018) Effect of soy lecithin on fatigue and menopausal symptoms in middle-aged women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Nutrition journal 17(1): 4.
8. Levis S, Strickman Stein N, Ganjei Azar P, Xu P, Doerge DR, et al. (2011) Soy isoflavones in the prevention of menopausal bone loss and menopausal symptoms: A randomized, double-blind trial. Archives of internal medicine 
171(15): 1363-1369.
