Are You Getting Enough Protein Daily?

While you are watching your calories and sugar intake, you should also ensure that you are getting enough protein so your body functions optimally.
The amount of protein that you need varies, depending on your age, sex, life stage, activity level and health conditions.

Don’t know how to achieve your daily protein requirement?

We show you how!

Age: 30
Pregnant (in third trimester)
Protein requirement in a day: 52g + 25g = 77g/day

Age: 40
Protein requirement in a day: 61g/day

Reference: Malaysian Food Composition Database (MyFCD)

ESP – the Better, Healthier Choice!

  • Provides 14g of Low Glycemic Index protein per serving.
  • PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) score of 1.0 – highest value of protein digestibility and highest protein quality.
  • Contains 9 essential amino acids.
  • Rich in calcium
  • Cholesterol free
  • Soy protein helps to reduce cholesterol*
*Amount of soy protein recommended to give the lowering effect on the blood cholesterol is 25g per day.

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