Easy Vivix® Recipes

Can’t get enough of Vivix®? Try these recipes infused with delightful Vivix in every sip and mouthful!

Refreshing thirst-quencher that will impress every guest!

1 tablespoon Vivix®
2 tablespoons Performance® – Natural Orange
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 slice Lemon
1 wedge Lemon
250ml Sparkling Water, Ice & Gold Sugar Sprinkles


  1. Run a juicy lemon wedge around the glass rim.
  2. Dip the rim in gold sugar sprinkles.
  3. Pour Vivix® followed by Performance® – Natural Orange and lemon juice.
  4. Put ice into cup and pour sparkling water.
  5. Garnish with a piece of lemon and serve.

A healthy, delicious on-the-go breakfast to kickstart your day!

½ cup Rolled Oats
1 scoop ESP Mixed Soy Protein Isolate
Powder with Vanilla Flavour
½ cup Milk (or substitute with milk of your choice)
1 tablespoon Chia Seeds
1 tablespoon Greek Yogurt
½ tablespoon Vivix®
1 tablespoon Performance® – Natural Orange
A handful Your favourite fruits


  1. Add all ingredients (exclude fruits) in a mason jar.
  2. Stir together until well combined.
  3. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.
  4. Stir again before topping it up with your favourite fruits and serve.

Try Me!

A delicious botanical beverage contains Shaklee’s own botanical blend of Muscadine Grape Extract, European Elderberry Extract, Japanese Knotweed Extract and Purple Carrot Extract.

Esp Mixed Soy Protein Isolate Powder with Vanilla Flavour
A high-quality soy protein providing all 9 essential amino acids to support vital bodily functions and long-lasting energy so you can do more in a day.

Performance – Natural Orange
With proprietary OPTI-LYTE electrolyte blend plus unique mix of carbohydrates to deliver instant and sustained energy and support optimal hydration.

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