Sama-sama Kita Berpuasa

Energise Your Ramadhan with Plant-Based Protein!

Ramadhan is the holiest month of the year for Muslims. However, the diet restrictions can be tricky for those who are trying to maintain a balanced diet. Some may experience lack of energy, dizziness and discomfort during the day. Great news! Good health can be maintained by consuming adequate nutrients during meals. Here are some tips for you to stay healthy and energetic during Ramadhan.


  • Consume high protein drink before and while breaking fast to feel full, longer.
  • Choose high quality and low glycemic index soy protein that provides sustained energy hour after hour.
  • Choose plant-based protein that is low in fat and cholesterol-free for a healthier you during fasting.
  • Choose a protein drink that is high in calcium and Low Glycemic Index to help you maintain your energy and retain focus all day long.

ESP Mixed Soy Protein Isolate Powder
Every glass of ESP:

Provides 14g of soy protein equivalent to one serving of a medium-sized fish.


Enriched with 500mg calcium and B vitamins.

Low Glycemic Index

Reap the benefits of long-lasting energy this fasting month, with a glass of ESP daily!

The Shaklee Difference

  • Shaklee uses Non-genetically modified (Non-GMO) soy protein, a healthier choice for the family.
  • Each serving provides 14grams of Low Glycemic Index plant based protein. Soy protein helps reduce cholesterol.*
  • High quality protein. Has PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) score of 1.0 – the highest rating possible and equal to that given animal proteins.
  • Provides 9 essential amino acids.

Note: Amount of soy protein recommended to give the lowering effect on the blood cholesterol is 25g per day.

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