ESPecially Loved by the Whole Family
ESPecially Loved
by the Whole Family
Anytime is a good time for this ESPecially nutritious drink!

Pre- or Postworkout Boost!
Helps to increase my muscle strength and provides me energy so I can work out better.

Decreased Appetite?
As a light yet nutritious drink to replenish essential nutrients to keep our body healthy and strong.

OT Companion
Helps me to stay focused and boosts
my energy during work.

Healthy Pregnancy Snack
Low fat, high protein and nutritious to support my baby’s growth.

Light Snack
Attending a kenduri? Prevent overeating by taking ESP to increase satiety.

Quick Breakfast
Quick, easy to prepare and nutritious breakfast for my family.

ESPecially Nutritious!
- Provides 14g of Low Glycemic Index protein.
- PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) score of 1.0 – highest value of protein digestibility and highest protein quality.
- Contains 9 essential amino acids.
- Added with 5 B vitamins per serving.
- Rich in calcium
- Cholesterol free
- Soy protein helps to reduce cholesterol*
*Amount of soy protein recommended to give the lowering effect on the blood cholesterol is 25g per day.

ESP Mixed Soy Protein Isolate Powder with Vanilla Flavour