Fasting for the First Time?

It is natural for the first 2 to 3 days to be the toughest for the child who is attempting to fast for the very first time. From a nutrition perspective, here are some ideas for parents to ease their children’s fasting experience.

Early to bed and early to rise. Encourage your children to have a proper sleep routine and enough sleep to help them:

  • Wake up on time for sahur.
  • Keep their energy levels up.
  • Stay alert and attentive in class.

Participate in Iftar Preparation:

  • Make it enjoyable for a great bonding experience.
  • Cook up their favourite dishes desserts.
  • Create healthy recipes.
    (Tip: use Meal Shakes for great-tasting ice cream and creamy shakes!)

Give your child a good start to the day at sahur with:

  • A high-energy diet. Milk and eggs are a great energy booster.
  • A glass of delicious Shaklee Meal Shakes packed with vitamins and minerals to ensure your children stay full longer.
  • Drinks to keep them hydrated all day.
  • Include fruits and vegetables as important sources of fibre.

Encourage healthy eating at iftar to nourish lost electrolytes and lack of vitamins and minerals:

  • Dates and water – a simple way to break fast.
  • Home-made soups and stews are healthy and rich in minerals and salts.
  • Avoid refined, oily foods and over-eating.

While fasting during Ramadhan, your children will feel they have achieved great accomplishments and at the same time, learnt the importance of choosing the right food rich in nutrients.

Give your children Meal Shakes and Vita-Lea for Children during sahur!

Shaklee Meal Shakes

  • Helps keep little tummies full for longer.
  • Suitable for children and active teenagers.
  • Tastes great when added to shakes, creamy soups, cakes and ice cream!
  • Perfect for active, growing children and teens.
  • Mommies and daddies will love it too!

Vita-Lea for Children Multivitamin!

  • Formulated with 18 essential vitamins and minerals for your children to grow healthy and strong.
  • No added artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives.
  • Gluten free and yummy grape flavour your children will love.

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