GLA for Her

Just like shoes and bags, a woman can never have too many nutrients to nourish her body. Add Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) to boost women’s health up a notch. As this fatty acid cannot be produced by the body, it is crucial for daily intake via diet or supplementation.

1. Promote Healthy Skin

The key to healthy, radiant skin lies in its moisture level. GLA has been clinically found to provide the following benefits:

  • Improve skin moisture level.1
    GLA maintains skin by managing the natural water loss barrier in our skin to retain skin’s moisture.
  • Soothe inflamed and irritated skin.2
    Inflamed and irritated skin sometimes has found to have a lower level of GLA compared with healthy skin. GLA’s anti-inflammatory properties help keep inflammation at bay.

2. Alleviate Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle affect emotions and physical wellbeing. With effective nutrients, you can continue to enjoy your favourite activities. A study on consumption of GLA sourced from Borage Oil and its relation to PMS has shown that GLA helps in:

  • Relieving lower back pain and discomfort, headache, and breast.3
  • Improving emotional score during pre-menstruation period.3

3. Relieving Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, sleep problems, mood changes and dry skin may occur naturally when a woman ages later in life. GLA has been found beneficial to ease the menopausal journey by:

  • Relieving symptoms of breast tenderness.4
  • Improving emotional health.4

1. Kawamura A et al. 2011. Dietary supplementation of gamma-linoleneic acid improves skin parameters in subjects with dry skin and mild atopic dermatitis. J Oleo Sci. 2011;60(12):597-607.
2. Kapoor R, Huang YS. 2006. Gamma linoleneic acid: an anti-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acid. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2006 Dec;7(6):531-4.
3. Gama, C.R.B., Lasmar, R., Gama, G.F. et al. (2014). Premenstrual Syndrome: Clinical Assessment of Treatment Out-comes Following Borago officinalis Extract Therapy. RBM, 71, 211-217.
4. Heather Currie and Rosemary Cochrane. (2010). Current options in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Prescriber. Volume 21, Issue 13.

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