Let’s build wellness. Your body works at its best when it gets all the essential nutrients it needs on a regular basis. These 6 must-have nutrients are important to get you started on your journey to good health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Anti-Inflammatory Agent

  • Reduce inflammation.1
  • Reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.2
  • Regulate blood pressure levels.3,4
  • Improve blood circulation.3,4
  • Maintain a healthy heart rhythm.3,4
  • Healthier brain function and better moods.5,6
  • Stronger bones and healthier joints.7
  • Support healthy eyes.
  • Enhance immune function.
  • Healthy weight loss.

B Vitamins
Your Energising Vitamin!

  • Convert food into energy efficiently and effectively, for sustainable energy production.9
  • Boost metabolism.
  • Enhance memory and support healthy cognitive performance.10
  • Alleviate stress and improve mood.11
  • Support proper red blood cell formation.12
  • Vital for healthy hair and nails.
  • Improve muscle performance and endurance.
  • Encourage proper bodily functions.

Soy Protein
Basic Building Blocks

  • Provide sustained energy throughout the day.
  • For optimum cell health.22
  • Build and repair tissues.
  • Promote healthier nail, skin, hair, etc.
  • Build and maintain muscle mass.
  • Support growth and development.
  • Ease premenstrual syndrome (PMS)23 and menopausal symptoms.24,25,26
  • Enhance prostate health.27,28,29
  • Lower blood cholesterol level with daily consumption of 25g of soy protein.

Vitamin C
Ultimate Antioxidant

  • Boost immunity.8
  • Promote stronger gums and connective tissues.
  • Support healthier skin.
  • Help in tissue repair and wound healing.
  • Protect body cells against free radical damage.
  • Promote iron absorption.

Bone-Loving Nutrient

  • Build strong and healthy bones.13
  • Reduce risk of osteoporosis and fractures.14,15
  • Retain normal blood pressure.16
  • Aid in normal blood clotting.17
  • Assist in muscle contraction and nerve transmission.18,19
  • Reduce PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramps, water retention, irritability and moodiness.20
  • Relieve insomnia.21

Fountain of Youth

  • For natural antioxidant protection.30
  • Recharge body cells31 for peak performance.
  • Boost energy production.32
  • Improve immune function.
  • Support younger looking skin.33
  • Keep your mind sharp.
  • Promote effective body detox and cleansing.
  • Promote healthy blood circulation34 and maintain healthy blood glucose levels.35
  • Nurture and support joint comfort.
  • Reduce risk of abnormal cell growth.36

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