Is Your Bone “Rangup”?
Is Your Bone “Rangup”?
Time For A Bone Density Check?

Malaysia prevalence of Osteoporosis is higher now at 24.1%*. By 2050, the number of Malaysians affected is expected to double.

Too young to take a bone test? Anyone aged 18+ can take the test.

The test only takes 5 minutes!
Message In Your Bones:
What your T-Score can tell you about building stronger bones

Your bone is healthy

–1 to -2.49
A less severe form of low bone mineral density

Severe low bone mineral density
Lower T-score = Higher risk of fracture
3 Ways to Keep Your Bones Strong and Healthy
Calcium Power

Low-Fat Yogurt


Tinned Sardines

Vitamin D Boost

Sun Time


Move More!

A Jog in the Park

Take the Stairs

Strong Bones Need More Than Calcium

Formulated with 7 Bone-Building Nutrients
Double the Strength, Double the Flex!
Mohd Said N, Muhammad Lokman MI, Nik Nor Kaussar, et al. Bone Health Status among Postmenopausal Women in Malaysia. International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences. April 2019; 7(2): 2330-4456. Doi: 10.15296/ijwhr.2019.28