Let’s Give Mom Her Moment

Being a mom is a full-time job. Here’s a few ways to help moms sneak in some well-deserved self-care every day. Get them for yourself and for your mom now!

Regardless of how you take them – as quick snack, light meal or pure beverage, the powders from Shaklee are sure to satisfy! Rich in quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, high in fibre and leucine, they cater to your daily needs.

Collagen is a protein that gives skin bounce, hair shine and nails strength. It works as a glue that hold other components in our body to maintain skin strength and elasticity. Over time, we naturally lose collagen as our body depletes it faster than our body produces it, resulting in wrinkled skin, brittle nails and dry hair.

Designed with you in mind, YOUTH™ products are sourced from the finest natural ingredients so you can feel good and confident about using it. It addresses your skin concerns such as wrinkles, pore size, skin tone, hyperpigmentation, radiance and sagging. Try it for hydrated, nourished, protected and rejuvenated skin throughout the day.

Take polyphenols which influence cell signalling and communication to produce melatonin, the “sleep hormone” to help you sleep better. It also contains strong anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce inflammation so you recover from a tiring day and wake up refreshed!

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