Lose Weight and Keep It Off!
Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

Shed Your Extra Weight The Healthy Way
- Leucine helps burn fats without having yo-yo effect.
- Leucine builds and retains lean muscle for a healthier weight and a toned body.
Digestive Enzymes, Prebiotic and Fibre
Breaks Down Stubborn Fat
- Curb appetite, reduce cravings and untimely hunger pangs.
- Improve digestive health, reduce bloating and better nutrient absorption.
- Stronger natural defense system.
Breaks Down Stubborn Fat
- Speeds up the breakdown of fats.
- Prevents accumulation of fats and flushes out toxins from the liver.
Boost Metabolism
- Improve metabolic rate and speeds up fat burning process.
- Improve body insulin sensitivity to regulate fat storage.
Senna Leaves
Improve Your Digestion
- A natural laxative to increase the frequency of bowel movements.
- Help remove toxins from the body.