Men’s Favourites

To cater to men’s highly demanding lifestyles, here are the must-haves to perform at their peak.


Recharges and Revitalises

  • Helps your body to detoxify to help restore and maintain your liver health with a formulation of herbs with beneficial properties.
  • Specially formulated with milk thistle seed extract, reishi mushroom, schisandra chinensis, dandelion, turmeric, and artichoke which protect the body’s normal ability to maintain healthy liver.


Natural Fat Burner

  • Helps break fats into tiny molecules for easier digestion.
  • Naturally sourced from soybeans.

Vita-E Complex

Your Antioxidant Support

One capsule provides:

  • 400IU naturally sourced vitamin E from soybean oil that is better absorbed in the body.
  • 65mcg of selenium that complements the activity of vitamin E for optimal function.
  • 39.4mg of Grape Seed Extract, containing proanthocyanidins, compounds that has good antioxidant properties.

CoQ-Trol Plus

Powers Up Your Energy

  • Provides a natural, proprietary blend of 100mg of Coenzyme Q10 plus resveratrol and tocopherol.
  • For optimum absorption, it is equipped with olive oil delivery system.
  • A patented formulation to improve absorption of Coenzyme Q10.

Zinc Plus™

Activates Enzymes for Optimal Bodily Processes

  • Maintains proper body functions.
  • Supports cell growth for healthy hair, nails, skin, and promoting good health.
  • Formulated with highly bioavailable zinc gluconate.

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