PROVEN! Polyphenols Work!


In this final part of our deep dive, we share proof of how polyphenols can change your health for the better from a science perspective.

Polyphenols Protect Against DNA Damage

  • Polyphenols are more than just superficial protection; they go deep down to the DNA level.
  • Studies have revealed that a unique blend of polyphenols can provide a remarkable 40% protection against oxidative DNA damage in human cells.

L. Fisher, et al. (2015) Synergistic effects of phenolic mixtures in human cell models of aging. Shaklee Innovation Center, Pleasanton. Available at:


  • Telomeres are protective endcaps for chromosomes in our cells that naturally shorten as we age. Longer telomeres are linked to better health, while shorter telomeres are linked to a higher risk of disease.
  • Polyphenols have been shown to slow down telomere shortening, promoting better health and long life. A study of Shaklee Multiple Supplements users found that they experienced a 40% lower rate of telomere shortening, and an astounding 91% of users benefited from the polyphenols in the supplements.

H. Wang, B. P. Daggy, J. F. McManus, L. G. Wong. Telomere Length of Multiple Dietary Supplement Users – A Cross-sectional Study in Comparison with Age-matched
Controls, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Volume 6, Issue 5, September 2018 , pp. 129-134. doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180605.13

POLYPHENOLS - The Power to Protect Your DNA and Telomeres

  • Unlock the potential of polyphenols to safeguard your DNA and telomeres. Embrace the power of polyphenols to enhance your well-being and potentially enjoy better health as you age. Make the most of this incredible opportunity to protect your DNA and promote overall vitality. Act now and experience the remarkable difference polyphenols can make in supporting your health and longevity journey!

1. L. Fisher, et al. (2015) Synergistic effects of phenolic mixtures in human cell models of aging. Shaklee Innovation Center, Pleasanton. Available at:
2. H. Wang, B. P. Daggy, J. F. McManus, L. G. Wong. Telomere Length of Multiple Dietary Supplement Users – A Cross-sectional Study in Comparison with Age-matched Controls, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Volume 6,
Issue 5, September 2018 , pp. 129-134. doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180605.13

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