SOAKING UP THE SUNNY VITAMIN D at For Healthy Strong Bones

While calcium plays a key role in bone formation and strength, calcium alone cannot do it all. A nutrition matrix of 7 critical bone-building minerals are needed to build and maintain strong bones. Together, these minerals form hard crystals that provide our bones with strength and structure. Yes, 99% of calcium in our body is stored in our bones!


Sunshine Vitamin

Fat-soluble vitamin

Key Source:
Naturally produced in the skin upon exposure to sunlight

Enhances absorption of calcium and phosphorous, which is critical for healthy bones, teeth, muscular function and immune system.2-5

Food Source:
Salmon, mackerels, sardines, fruit juices, fortified milk and breads1

It’s always sunny in Malaysia but are you getting your 30 minutes of sunshine every day? With us spending most of our days indoors, we need to seek out this vitamin from food or supplements!


1. Calcium – Building blocks for bones
2. Vitamin D – Enhances calcium absorption
3. Magnesium – Incorporates calcium into bones
4. Boron – Aids bone metabolism
5. Zinc, Copper, Manganese – Activate enzymes that help build bone mass
Notice that Vitamin D is the second most important nutrient for healthy strong bones!

1. Higdon, J. Vitamin D. Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University. 2000. (Reviewed by Gombart, AF in 2014). Accessed 7/2015.
2. European Food Safety Authority. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to vitamin D and maintenance of bone and teeth, absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus and maintenance of normal blood calcium concentrations, cell division, and thyroid function. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(9):1227.
3. European Food Safety Authority. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to vitamin D and normal function of the immune system and inflammatory response, maintenance of normal muscle function and maintenance of normal cardiovascular function. EFSA Journal 2010;8(2):1468.
4. European Food Safety Authority. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to calcium and vitamin D and maintenance of bone. EFSA Journal 2009;8(2):1272.
5. Higdon, J. Vitamin D. Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University. 2000. (Reviewed by Gombart, AF in 2014) (Autoimmune Diseases)

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