What’s In Your Protein Shake?
Easy to prepare and convenient to consume anytime, anywhere, dietary protein powder is the easiest way to ensure you have sufficient protein daily. However, with so many brands and types of proteins on the market shelves, which one is the best for you?

Go for Soy!
Suitable for everyone including those who are lactose-intolerant.
- Delivers various benefits such as cholesterol lowering effect.1
- Continuous soy protein consumption helps women manage menopausal syndrome such as hot flush.2
- 100% plant-based and suitable for vegans.
Has Low Glycemic Index
Glycemic index (GI) is an index that shows the effect of food on your blood sugar level. A high GI protein causes a spike in your blood sugar, leaving you tired, irritable and hungry. A low GI soy protein helps to:
- Maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
- Increase satiety, making you feel full longer.
- Control and manage food intake and body weight.
No Added Refined Sugar
Most manufacturers add refined sugar into their protein powders to improve taste. Make the right decision and say no to added refined sugar!
- Taking soy protein helps to ensure that you do not consume excess calories.
- Helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal, or microorganism whose genetic makeup has been modified using genetic modification or engineering techniques. Eating too much GMO food may cause health issues in the long run. Non-GMO sources ensure:
- Nutrients are intact in the food source.
- Healthier and safer food alternative.
Complete with 9 Essential Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. A daily consumption of the 9 essential amino acids is vital for:
- Optimal bodily functions.
- Biological processes such as giving cells their structure, transporting and storing nutrients and forming organs, glands and muscles.
- Tissue repair in skin, bones and hair.
Low in Fat
Ultimately, you want to reap the benefits (minus the fat) of protein from the powder you pick from the shelf. Choose less than 3g of fat for every 100g of the protein powder.
- Maintain muscle mass.
- Maintain cholesterol level.
ESP Soy Protein is the Better Choice!
- Provides 14g of Low Glycemic Index protein.
- PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) score of 1.0
– highest value of protein digestibility and highest protein quality. - Contains 9 essential amino acids.
- Rich in calcium
- Cholesterol free
- Soy protein helps to reduce cholesterol*
*Amount of soy protein recommended to give the lowering effect on the blood cholesterol is 25g per day.
1. Xiao C.W. 2008. Health effects of soy protein and isoflavones in humans. J. Nutr. 2008;138:1244S–1249S.
2. Messina, M. (2016). Soy and Health Update: Evaluation of the Clinical and Epidemiologic Literature. Nutrients, 8(12), 754.