Where Do Baby’s Bones Come From? From Mommy!

Where Do Baby’s Bones Come From? From Mommy!
A baby relies heavily on the calcium supply from the mother to build over 300 bones. When the baby’s calcium requirement is not met, it will draw calcium from the mom’s bones, putting the mom at risk for osteoporosis later in life.

Throughout Pregnancy
Calcium supports healthy development process in baby and increases the chances for you to have a smoother pregnancy journey. During pregnancy, calcium demand is greater than other days as its role is to:
- Aid in the baby’s healthy development of bones and teeth. This process could use up your calcium reservoir.
- Regulate your body fluid usage.
- Restore your calcium storage.
- Reduce the likelihood of muscle cramp.
Throughout Breastfeeding
A study showed that nursing moms often lose 3 to 5 percent of their bone mass during the breastfeeding period.1 This happens due to the baby’s growing requirement and the process draws calcium from your bones into the breast milk. Thus, a high intake of calcium is crucial as it helps to:
- Replenish your bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life.
- Support the continuous development of strong bones and teeth in the baby.
- Improve your oral health.
Postpartum Recovery
Your baby has weaned off and it does not mean that you should stop taking calcium. In this period, your bone will undergo a recovery process and you are required to maintain your calcium intake to:
- Support healthy bone mass recovery process.
- Reduce the risk of you having osteoporosis.
- Enable better posture to improve your appearance and make you look and feel more youthful.
- Improve your body strength, balance and support.
1. Kolthoff N, Eiken P, Kristensen B, Nielsen SP. Bone mineral changes during pregnancy and lactation: a longitudinal cohort study. Clin Sci. 1998;94:405–12.