You Need More Than One GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher

Enjoy refreshing water anytime, anywhere with GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher. Highly convenient and easy to use, you need more than one to cater to your family’s needs.

Convenience At Its Best

Feeling thirsty in the middle of the night? Just pour and drink a glass of refreshing water from GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher at the side table without leaving the room. It’s that simple and convenient!

A Refreshing Start

Wake up to a glass of refreshing water from GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher to start your day, every day, in the comfort of your bedroom.

Replenish Hydration

Encourage your children to drink regularly to replenish hydration after a day of school and play.

Serve Safe and Clean Water

Awe your guests with the easy-to-use GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher for bettertasting water in every glass! Plus, it fts easily into your lifestyle and home décor.

Drink Up!

Have easy access to GET CLEAN® Water Pitcher, providing safe and better-tasting water for you and your family from the heart of the home.

The Perfect Water Pitcher for Every Home

Safe and Better-Tasting Water

  • Reduces up to 99% of heavy metals
  • Removes up to 98% odour
  • Certifed by Water Quality Association (WQA)


  • Only 15 cents per liter!
  • Low maintenance

Portable and Convenient

  • Can be placed anywhere at anytime.
  • No plumbing works required.


Filter is made from sustainable coconut shell carbon with a zero-emission process.

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