


  • 支持红血细胞的生成1 ,提升妈妈的血液容量。
  • 为成长中的胎儿提供铁质和氧气。1
  • 支持所增加的红血细胞含量、成长中的胎儿和胎盘。2
  • 支持宝宝健康的出生体重。8

Tips: 怀孕的妈妈在怀孕初期每天需要至少29毫克的铁,而在怀孕中期及晚期每天需要100毫克的铁。9


  • 贫血、血中的红血蛋白浓度极低。4
  • 增加妈妈受感染的风险。5
  • 早产和体重过轻的婴儿。



  • 在产后的恢复期间,为妈妈提供能量。3
  • 加速妈妈的恢复过程和健康。3
  • 支持母乳的分泌,以帮助宝宝成长。3

Tips: 哺乳妈妈每日至少需摄取15毫克的铁质。9


  • 缺乏铁质或贫血的婴儿和幼儿会面临包括认知、社交情感和适应功能上的发育障碍风险。6
  • 影响言语和动作的发展。7
1. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation. Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I Weight Gain: Part II Nutrient Supplements. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1990. 14, Iron
Nutrition During Pregnancy.
2. Achebe MM, Gafter-Gvili A. How I treat anemia in pregnancy: iron, cobalamin, and folate. Blood. 2017 Feb;129(8):940–9.
3. Guideline: Iron Supplementation in Postpartum Women. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. BACKGROUND. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK379991/
4. Loy, S.L., Lim, L.M., Chan, SY. et al. Iron status and risk factors of iron deficiency among pregnant women in Singapore: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 19, 397 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6736-y
5. Review on iron and its importance for human health. Abbaspour N, Hurrell R, Kelishadi R J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb; 19(2):164-74
6. Brain iron and behavior of rats are not normalized by treatment of iron deficiency anemia during early development. Felt BT, Lozoff B, J Nutr. 1996 Mar; 126(3):693-701.
7. Higher prevalence of iron deficiency as strong predictor of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Bener A, Kamal M, Bener H, Bhugra D, Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014 Sep; 4(Suppl 3):S291-7.
8. Influence of iron status on risk of maternal or neonatal infection and on neonatal mortality with an emphasis on developing countries. Brabin L, Brabin BJ, Gies S Nutr Rev. 2013 Aug; 71(8):528-40.
9. Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia (RNI) 2017.

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